
Available Trainings

Our Training & Education Department is ready to collaborate with you to meet all your training needs. Certified in over 17 evidence-based programs, the team can provide or develop customized training on any topic you request. Although our topics are limitless, below is a working list of specific trainings that are already developed and ready for implementation.

Please note the following:

  • Many of these established trainings can be customized to meet your needs.
  • Training length is only included below in cases where the ability to shorten or lengthen does not exist. Otherwise, times are customizable and not included.

Training Currently Available

  • Harm Reduction – Topics can be individualized or combined.
    • Naloxone Training: Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications. This training explores how Naloxone works and how to safely administer it to someone in need. Good Samaritan Laws are also covered. In most cases, Narcan (brand name) can be provided to participants. 45mins.
    • Safe Storage & Disposal: Having medications at home that are not safely stored or disposed of has negative environmental effects as well as increases the risk of misuse and accidental poisoning among household members, especially children and pets. Participants in this training will learn how and why to secure medications properly and to dispose of unwanted or expired medication. In most cases, Deterra Drug Deactivation & Disposal Pouches can be provided to participants.
  • Teamwork & Leadership – The following trainings are designed to strengthen teams and deepen participants understanding of themselves and others. Topics can be taught in any combination. Those marked with (R) are science-based skills for Resilience and also belong in that series.
    • Four Lenses Temperament Discovery and Exploration: The Four Lenses is a proven personality temperament model that acts as a universal companion to any training or initiative. This foundational training helps individuals and organizations establish a common language and value system for diverse perspectives and unique talent in the workplace, in the classroom, or life. Participants will learn how to motivate reluctant people, communicate with power, strengthen leadership abilities, enhance relationships, reduce stress and conflict, and teach difficult learners. 1-3hrs.
    • Character Strengths
      • Assessing Values in Action (R): Using the VIA Survey of 24 Character Strengths, participants will learn what their Signature Character Strengths are and how to utilize them for optimal performance.
      • Leveraging Strengths for Leadership: Through Character Strength analysis, participants will learn how their signature character strengths show up (effectively and ineffectively) in their own leadership and in the work of leaders whom they admire.
    • Communication Modules
      • Digital Communication Overview and Usage (R): Texting, emailing, video calls, and social media are now sharing space with more traditional forms of communication like phone calls and face-to-face conversations. Participants will learn how these digital forms of communication differ from other forms, what happens when nonverbal communication is not present, and how this contributes to miscommunication and conflict. Participants will also explore when digital communication can be more effective and how to utilize these modern methods for optimal success.
      • The I.D.E.A.L. Model of Assertive Communication (R): The skill of Assertive Communication allows a person to exercise boundaries and craft specific conversations for impact and change. After exploring various styles of communication, participants will learn how to craft an effective “ask” when looking for action or change.
      • Effective Praise (R): Praise, when done correctly, can motivate individuals to replicate successful strategies. Participants will learn how to create winning streaks by praising with specificity and sincerity.
      • Constructive Responding (R): The way that we respond to people directly impacts the quality of our relationship with them. In this session, participants will explore the ways in which they respond to the most important people in their lives and learn ways in which they can improve those interactions.
    • SPF Application for Prevention Success Training (SAPST) – CCA is host to a team of instructors both in house and in partnership with the Florida National Guard. As the leading SAPST providers in the state, the following courses are offered:
      • Full Course: The SAPST is a SAMHSA developed foundational course in substance abuse prevention. This four-day, in-person training prepares participants to move from prevention science and theory to practice using the Strategic Prevention Framework. This course is offered four times per year in various locations across the state. 36hrs.
      • SAPST Snippets: A locally developed virtual series designed to elaborate and refresh topics from the greater SAPST curriculum. Topics listed below. 60-90mins.
        • Logic Models
        • Epidemiology & Working with Data
        • Cultural Competence
        • SPF Overview
        • Assessment
        • Capacity
        • Planning
        • Implementation
        • Evaluation
        • Sustainability
      • Mental Health & Wellbeing – The CCA team is in a unique position to offer high level mental health and wellness trainings, with team members who have both education and experience in counseling and mental health services and a myriad of certifications in related curricula. CCA is able to offer the training below as well as customized training on most mental health and wellness topics by request.
        • Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR): The first person to encounter someone considering suicide is likely a friend family member, or acquaintance. Often, those people don’t have the training or tools to navigate those conversations effectively. This courseis a suicide prevention training that helps participants recognize and respond to the warning signs of Participants will learn how to question, persuade, and refer people at risk for suicide for help. 1-1.5hrs.
        • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): Roughly 1 in 5 people in the United States are struggling with a mental health challenge at any given time. With courses geared towards adults, adults working with youth, and first responders, this evidence-based, early-intervention course uses community-specific scenarios, activities and videos to teach the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges as well as how to provide initial support until they are connected with appropriate professional help. Certification courses are available virtually or in person and can be geared towards adults, adults working with youth, or first responders. 8hrs.
        • Self-Care: Reactive self-care is a very important part of responding to our own needs and regaining our emotional and physical health. Proactive self-care is an essential part of remaining emotionally and physically healthy in the first place. This session explores both, with a strong emphasis on how to craft a personalized self-care plan. 1hr.
      • Youth Services – CCA’s training team is available to assist with a variety of training/resources geared towards both youth and adults working with youth. Please reach out to the Youth Services Coordinator with requests, as training can be customized to meet your specific needs.
        • Youth Staff: It is essential that all youth programs are delivered in ways that are physically, emotionally, mentally, and legally safe. The CCA team is able to provide training, resources, and guidance on proper policy/procedures as well as best practices and recommendations to reduce liability and keep both kids and staff safe and happy.
        • Hidden in Plain Sight: Hidden in Plain Sight is a presentation for adults and parents to raise awareness of signs that may point to risky adolescent behaviors. This program recreates a mock teenager’s bedroom or backpack that can be explored to identify hidden drug paraphernalia and warning signs associated with drug or alcohol abuse. Instructors guide attendees, explaining various substance use trends and providing guidance for initiating conversations with teens about substance abuse and resources available for additional help.
        • Youth Training:
          • Know the Law (KTL): It’s important for young people to know what the laws are as they navigate difficult decision making in adolescence. With programs designed for Elementary, Middle, and High School students, KTL covers laws related to bullying, substance use, property, weapons, computers, assault, and much more. 1hr.
          • RadKIDS: This personal empowerment safety education program teaches kids cognitive, verbal, and physical skills to recognize and resist violence and harm. With the cornerstone being sexual assault and abduction prevention, radKIDS teaches recognition/refusal skills and boundary setting skills by covering anything that can hurt a child in their environment: substances, poison, bullying, dogs, cars, weapons, and people. 10hrs.
          • All Stars: All Stars programs are designed to change lives by helping young people build bright futures. Beginning in the upper grades of elementary school and continuing through high school, All Star provides consistent and integrated tools for prevention. Designed to be taught in schools and last several weeks each year, All Stars programs reach youth during the years of greatest vulnerability to experimenting with substances, fighting, bullying, and initiating sexual activity.
          • Life Skills Training (LST): The Botvin LifeSkills Training is a comprehensive, dynamic, and developmentally designed to promote mental health and positive youth development, while supporting the reduction of substance use, violence, and other high-risk behaviors. With multiple curriculums depending on grade level, LST teaches personal management skills, general social skills, and drug resistance skills. 1hr sessions, 8-13 weeks.
        • Skills for Resilience – The ability to bounce back from adversity (resilience) is a specific skill set that is teachable and learnable. There are six pillars that impact resilience: Self-Regulation, Self-Awareness, Optimism, Connection, Mental Agility, and leveraging Character Strengths. CCA’s Training & Education Director is a Master Resilience Trainer, certified to provide instruction on the practice and application of skill-building activities that support each pillar. This comprehensive series consists of 14 highly interactive modules that can be adapted for both teens and adults and can be taught separately or together in any combination. Some of these modules (in whole or part) are already listed above, marked (R). Times vary, and topics not already mentioned include:
          • Resilience Overview: This session provides a solid definition of resilience from which to build. Common myths about resilience are discussed and the six pillars are explored and explained.
          • Optimism & Gratitude: Toxic positivity is commonly confused with optimism. This session explains the difference and teaches how to build genuine optimism through the intentional practice of gratitude.
          • Emotional Anatomy & Mindset: The origins of our emotions and behaviors are discussed in this session. Using the foundation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an awareness of the relationship between our thoughts and our emotions is built. From there, participants will explore counterproductive thinking, the role of our natural negativity bias, and how to avoid common thinking traps.
          • Hidden Stories: This session seeks to explore the origins of overreactions and underreactions based on an exploration of how our core values and beliefs impact our thoughts and emotions, even when we are not aware that it is happening.
          • Catastrophizing: By exploring the three types of catastrophic thinking (spiraling, circling, and scattershot), this session seeks to identify and replace counterproductive patterns of fear-based reactions with realism and control.
          • Goal Setting: A five step process for short- and long-term goal setting is taught in this session, complete with a discussion of S.M.A.R.T. action items, appropriate timelines, motivations, evaluation, and “A Big Enough Reason Why”.
          • Problem Solving: A six step process for solving complex problems is taught in this session. Participants will understand and evaluate causes, timelines, control centers, and influences as they work toward critical thinking and conflict resolution.
          • Energy Management: This session provides a comprehensive review of stress and nerves, including causality and physicality. Different types of stress will be explored and practicable, actionable stress reduction techniques will be taught.
          • Navigating Change: Change is an essential component of the human experience, and yet so many of us struggle with it. Navigating the change curve is explored in this session. Instruction will be given on mental agility, recognizing and resisting confirmation biases, and building a “Change Resume”.


Upcoming Trainings