Advocacy Day Pre-meeting

221 Senate Office Building, Tallahassee, FL, United States

Meeting Agenda Go over our three one-pagers Hand out group appointment schedules and leave behind materials Review of effective meeting strategies Review of vendor table set up Review of no-no’s for advocacy day You will receive 2 CEUs for this meeting and will get a completion certificate.

Training & Education Office Hours


This is time set aside to chat with the Training Department about any needs you may have regarding training, earning CEUs for certification, workforce development, implementation, and/or evaluation. Come to office hours if you have issues and/or questions for the Training Department.

Topics in Resilience: Emotional Anatomy & Mindset, RSVP Required


Everyone can be resilient. Resiliency (the ability to bounce back from adversity) is a teachable and learnable skillset. This series, working in partnership with the Northeast Florida ACEs Alliance (NFAA), covers a wide range of strategies needed to build that skillset, including replicable activities for use when working with adults and teens alike. Each session […]